Habits are really useful when it comes to making changes. They are an easy option for our essentially lazy brains as we’ve done them many times before and can do them without thinking. In contrast to this, things we haven’t done before eg. Using the latest computer or phone update, take longer and require more concentration and brain energy. If you start with a small positive change and repeat it again and again, it may be hard at the start but will get easier and easier as time goes on. And once you’ve mastered that habit you can build on it or think about making another small change. To increase your chances of making your change a success there are some tricks you can use eg. Making it small enough not to be unachievable; linking it to a habit you have already like reading for 10 minutes after you’ve brushed your teeth. You can plan ahead so you have a strategy in your head for when you hit a situation you know will be challenging. You can tell a friend about the change you’re making so they can help support you and hold you to your decision.

Jamesclear.com is a really useful website if you want more info.

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